Book Notes: Writers on Writing

I’m actually tempted to call this post “The Streetcar Chronicles” since I read this book over a multi week period, using stolen moments while riding the streetcar to my destination. A book of essays is perfect–use the otherwise idle time to uncover nuggets of wisdom in just a few pages of reading.

Here’s a few things that I learned from the book

  • 14 words that were new to me, alphabetically from Aphoristic to Zaftig
  • 19 examples of Beautiful Language. My favorite is this: “I have what I always believed was a nicely modulated baritone, perhaps riddled around the edges with tobacco and scotch, but inviting nonetheless”
  • A realization that visual media is overtaking print media. Look at the popularity of Youtube. Anyone can be a film producer!
  • Imitating the masters is a useful strategy for learning or mastery of nearly any subject. Study how writers write, how painters paint, and how musicians musish. (“Musish” is intentional, by the way!)
  • Creativity is tapped by producing something, continuing to produce, even if the final outcome isn’t yet clear.
  • Inspiration is everywhere! Examples given are: reference books bought at a yard sale, signs from stores, panhandlers, and yard sales, overheard snippets of conversation, random images from magazines or sales flyers, and pamphlets you find at restaurants or hotels.

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