I’ve been learning how AI systems work (detailed book reviews in the coming weeks!) and I was wondering what kind of workout routine would ChatGPT come up with. I started with something simple to describe–a 30 minute core workout that uses no equipment. I hoped that the output would be useful in helping me design a format for one of the fitness classes that I teach, called Core Blast.
Here’s what ChatGPT provided. This is a direct quote from the ChatGPT app.
Sure, here’s a 30-minute core workout you can do at home without any equipment. This workout includes a mix of exercises targeting different parts of your core. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Complete all exercises in the circuit, then rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the circuit two more times.
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
1. Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
2. High Knees – 1 minute
3. Torso Twists – 1 minute
4. Arm Circles – 1 minute
5. Hip Circles – 1 minute
Core Workout (30 minutes)
1. Plank – 45 seconds
2. Bicycle Crunches – 45 seconds
3. Russian Twists – 45 seconds
4. Leg Raises – 45 seconds
5. Mountain Climbers – 45 seconds
6. Side Plank (Left) – 45 seconds
7. Side Plank (Right) – 45 seconds
8. Flutter Kicks – 45 seconds
9. V-Ups – 45 seconds
10. Reverse Crunches – 45 seconds
11. Plank with Shoulder Taps – 45 seconds
12. Hollow Hold – 45 seconds
Cool Down (5 minutes)
1. Child’s Pose – 1 minute
2. Cat-Cow Stretch – 1 minute
3. Cobra Stretch – 1 minute
4. Seated Forward Bend – 1 minute
5. Torso Stretch (each side) – 1 minute
Exercise Descriptions
• Plank: Maintain a push-up position, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels.
• Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back and alternate bringing opposite elbow to knee.
• Russian Twists: Sit on the ground with knees bent, lean back slightly, and twist your torso side to side.
• Leg Raises: Lie on your back, lift legs to 90 degrees and lower without touching the ground.
• Mountain Climbers: In a push-up position, alternate bringing knees to chest.
• Side Plank: Support your body on one forearm and the side of your foot, keeping your body in a straight line.
• Flutter Kicks: Lie on your back and alternate kicking legs up and down.
• V-Ups: Lie on your back, lift your legs and upper body simultaneously to form a V shape.
• Reverse Crunches: Lie on your back, lift hips off the ground towards your chest.
• Plank with Shoulder Taps: In a plank position, tap each shoulder with the opposite hand, maintaining stability.
• Hollow Hold: Lie on your back, lift legs and shoulders off the ground, creating a hollow shape with your body.
Feel free to adjust the times and reps as needed based on your fitness level. Enjoy your workout!
What I Like
- A warmup, exercise program, and cooldown are all provided
- There is a good mix of exercises targeting different parts of the Core
- Each of the exercises includes an explanation of what it is
- The chosen format (45 second sets, with a 15 second transition, repeated several times) is the same structure that I used for my recent Core Blast class choreography. It works!
What I Don’t Like
- The warmup doesn’t really fit my style. Not enough variety
- ChatGPT apparently didn’t really understand my requirements, or I didn’t explain it correctly. The workout that it shows is closer to 40 minutes (including the between set breaks) and that doesn’t even include the warmup and cooldown.
Next Steps
One of my current projects is to design some new choreography that we can do for the next few weeks in my Core Blast class. These ideas are a good starting point. I also have a more involved format called Total Body Strength and I might see what ChatGPT comes up with there. But…there is enough human intervention needed in ChatGPT’s output that I think that my fitness instructor job is safe……for now.
I love these articles and ruminations. Keep them coming.
Thanks for reading!