Book Notes: Backstage Passes….

I was looking through my bullet journal and found notes from this book that I had read about 9 months ago. I wanted to make sure that I can easily find my notes in the future, so here they are. At some point, they might be rewritten into permanent notes and then reside in my Obsidian database.

  • p. 12 “When you don’t know nothin’, you got plenty to learn”
  • p. 31 “In 1965, being invited to a Bob Dylan session was like getting backstage passes to the fourth day of Creation.”
  • p. 128 “…it’s nice to let people know that you’re human beings and not programmed machines vomiting our someone else’s music”
  • p. 171 Frank Zappa “Talking about music is like dancing about architecture”
  • p. 176 Roy Orbison’s backup band, the Candymen, became the Atlanta Rhythm Section around 1972

I find the p. 12 quote inspirational. Perhaps a separate blog post on why it resonates with me.

Before reading this, I had no idea that Al Cooper was involved with Dylan and the Blues Project in 1965-1967

Here’s something else I noted. The CD Projections might be worth listening to. On page 77 it’s mentioned that on Two Trains Running Danny Kalb tuned up a a flat string during a 4 beat break, and created a riff out of it.

I subsequently noted that the Beaverton Library had the CD. I must have checked it out and listened to it.

Other records noted in the book that might be worth listening to.

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd-Nothin Crazy
  • Nils Lofgren-Cry Tough
  • The Tubes

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