• p. 66: “But all I could say as a Christian then was, “Life is sure funny sometimes.” “And sometimes it isn’t,” said Marvin Breed.”
  • p. 151 “I think, therefore I am, therefore I am photographable.”
  • p. 153 ““I’m not a drug salesman. I’m a writer.”
  • p. 164 I love the phrasing here “…sticky nets of human futility hung up on a moonless night to dry.”
  • p. 168 “Self-taught, are you?” Julian Castle asked Newt. “Isn’t everybody?” Newt inquired.
  • p. 191 another example of beautiful language “…rolled out of bed at the first bang and ran to the heart of the house in the brainless ecstasy of a volunteer fireman.”
  • p. 218 “Science is magic that works.”
  • p. 219 this might not be your view, nor mine, but it is one shared by many “I agree with one Bokononist idea. I agree that all religions, including Bokononism, are nothing but lies.”
  • p. 234 this must be a popular vacation spot “The people of San Lorenzo,” the father told me, “are interested in only three things: fishing, fornication, and Bokononism.”
  • p. 247 “Think a little! Don’t be afraid of straining your brains. They won’t break.”

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